Who stole my cheese? Solving HR problems that aren’t HR’s problem | elementsuite
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Who stole my cheese? Solving HR problems that aren’t HR’s problem

Who stole my cheese? Solving HR problems that aren't HR problems

There is never a dull moment in the world of HR. Dare we say that, sometimes, it even feels like you are stuck in a never-ending scene of a comedy show. 

From mediating kitchen wars over the “correct” use of the microwave to playing referee at work socials, some of the “problems” that land on HR’s desk are downright ridiculous.

Sure, HR is supposed to keep things running smoothly, but do you really need to be the parking spot police or the cheese theft investigator? No. No, you don’t.

The truth is a lot of what people think of as “HR problems” are anything but. They’re the kind of oddball, often hilarious, and always frustrating situations that eat into HR’s time, keeping them from doing the stuff that actually matters. 

But, alas, someone has to handle them. So, you find yourself dealing with HR problems that are not even really HR problems. 

We did some digging and rounded up some of the most common (and absurd) HR problems that have come across HR desks. 

But don’t worry, we won’t leave you there (we aren’t that cruel). To help save the day (and your sanity), we will also share how you can use HR systems, like elementsuite, to handle these not-so-HR problems like a pro.

1. The great fish microwave scandal

You know the story. There’s always one. Someone heats up their leftover fish in the microwave, and the office erupts into chaos. Who gets the complaints? HR. Because apparently, setting workplace boundaries for kitchen smells is now part of HR’s job description.

2. The case of the cheese bandit

Yes, this actually happened. Someone was sneaking into the office fridge and stealing the cheese from their colleagues’ sandwiches. HR had to investigate (because apparently, they are now also the workplace detectives) and put a stop to the cheesy thievery. The culprit was then fired (after what we can imagine as a result of failed warnings), making it one of the most bizarre reasons for termination ever.

3. Party patrol at work socials

Ah, the classic office party. A time for colleagues to let loose and have some fun outside of work hours, until HR drags Rob from Accounts off the dancefloor for stripping down to his underwear, attempting to dance like he is auditioning for Magic Mike. 

You would think that, being adults, people would know how to behave at a work event. But alas, HR often has to play the role of party patrol and put an end to any inappropriate behaviour before it gets out of hand.

4. The speeding ticket saga

HR: “Here’s the company car policy. Please drive safely.”

Employee: promptly gets caught speeding.

And guess who has to deal with the fallout? Spoiler: it’s not the fleet manager.

5. Bathroom gatekeepers

“HR, someone left the bathroom in a state.”

First of all, ew. Second of all, why is this HR’s problem? It’s incredible how many people think it’s appropriate to report bathroom-related issues to HR. HR exists to manage people, not toilets.

6. The war of the thermostat

It’s safe to say that we can all agree that temperature wars in the office can get as intense as an England match during the UEFA Euro Final. On one side, there’s someone who is always cold and wants to crank up the heat. On the other side, someone who is always warm and wants to keep it cool. And then there’s HR caught into thermostat battles like it’s the most critical issue of the day.

Newsflash: it’s not.

6. Parking politics

Nothing brings out workplace drama quite like a parking dispute. Why are people so territorial about parking spots? Seriously, what do you want us to do if Karen keeps parking in Greg’s “unofficial” space again? Start issuing parking tickets? Please, just park your car and get on with your day.

So, how can elementsuite help?

Reading these examples may have made you chuckle or roll your eyes in exasperation, but the reality is that these incidents can be a drain on HR’s valuable time and resources. 

Even though it shouldn’t be necessary to create policies on toilet etiquette or cheese theft, these minor issues can quickly escalate and create a toxic work environment if not handled properly. 

But one of the many positive things about HR technology is that you don’t have to handle these problems alone. Think of it as the trusty sidekick that steps in to take care of the messy, time-sucking distractions, turning them into manageable moments so you can get back to doing, well, actual HR work. 

With elementsuite’s HR software, you can streamline and automate many of the administrative tasks that come with being an HR professional. This means less time spent on petty problems and more time focusing on strategic initiatives that truly make a difference in your organisation.

Policy builder to the rescue

Got a company car speeding saga or a thermostat tug-of-war? Or you just simply want to create or update a parental leave or absence policy. Ask ELLA, elementsuite’s AI HR assistant, to create or amend your existing policy. 

Yes, you may have never thought in your wildest dreams that you would need a policy on bathroom etiquette, but with content generation functionality, ELLA can help you create one in less time than it takes to microwave that fish.

The best part? Once your new or updated policy is live in the elementsuite HR system, you can send out alerts to notify everyone—and elementsuite will track who’s read and agreed to it. No more “I didn’t know I had to flush the toilet” excuses. 

ELLA, your new office go-to

ELLA isn’t just confined to helping your team create policies. It is here to take the weight off HR’s shoulders by being the first point of contact for employee questions.

No more endless queries clogging up HR’s inbox—ELLA, elementsuite’s AI assistant, is a total game-changer for internal content retrieval and employee guidance.

When your new or updated policies are saved in  your HR software,

ELLA can provide instant answers, direct people to the correct (and may we say most appropriate) department or person, and save HR’s time by handling simple inquiries. 

Whether it’s “Where can I park?” or “What happens if I get caught speeding in the company car?” ELLA advises and directs employees’ questions based on real-time company information, leaving you free to handle the bigger HR fish (pun intended).

Train managers to set up

Sometimes, the root cause of these seemingly absurd HR problems is a lack of management skills. Teaching managers to handle awkward conversations, like telling Rob from Accounts to keep his clothes on at the next office party or sit down with Karen and Greg to sort out their parking problems, can go a long way in preventing these situations from arising in the first place. 

With elementsuite’s learning and development module, you can assign all managers and team leaders with essential soft skills training, ensuring that they are equipped to handle any challenging conversations and situations that may arise in the workplace. You can track their progress and even make this a requisite learning pathway for anyone stepping into a management role.

Goodbye chaos, hello focus

HR isn’t here to babysit the office microwave or settle parking debates. With elementsuite’s smart, user-friendly tools, your HR team can set boundaries, empower employees and managers to handle situations independently and focus on their real work of managing people. 

So, the next time Steve reheats his fish, your HR team can relax—knowing it’s no longer their problem.

Want to learn more about how elementsuite can be your trusted non-HR problem sidekick? Check out our website and request a demo today

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