Optimised workforce planning is a business imperative for Hoteliers
Hotels are complex businesses, which as consumers we might not think about when we are greeted with a smile on arrival.

Five reasons why you need to say goodbye to paper based HR
Despite the phenomenal advancements in technology, so many organisations are still heavily reliant on paper-based HR processes

Trust your data. Trust your decisions.
Love it or hate it, HR teams need access to 100% reliable people data. And more than ever they need real-time data. But so many HR teams don't trust their data...

Seven hotel staff scheduling pitfalls and how to avoid them
Even the smallest staff scheduling error can increase labour costs for hotels. Without the right information and tools, it's a time-consuming logistical nightmare.

Benefits of self-service HR software
What’s the big deal about having self-service HR for your workforce? Surely handing over HR processes to your people is going to result in chaos.

The future of Women in HR Tech
When we think about Human Resources, we tend to associate women in those roles, and you’d be right to think that. Women continue to play a dominant role in HR

Employee-first future of workplace
If nothing else, the pandemic has reminded us of the importance of our people and the relationship between people and workplace for a successful business.

Seven success factors from using Workforce Management (WFM)
How often have you had a call from an employee asking whether they are on schedule or not? Or emailing how can they swap or drop a particular shift?

Can HR be your friend?
One of my guilty pleasures – is lurking on the workplace stackexchange, where workers ask and answer workplace questions that range from the mundane, through the mildly troubling,

Why mobile-first HR technology is the only future
The key question is “do you really need mobile first HR technology?” You only have to think about our addiction to our mobile phones these days.

Why do HR Tech projects fail and how to avoid the pitfalls?
HR Tech solutions promise us streamlined processes, removal of laborious keying, time saved, improved user experience, and lower costs so why

Why retail needs talent and tech to deliver agile Workforce Management
HR is reinventing the ways of working faster than ever before. To be relevant in today's fast-paced and ever-changing world, technology is transforming the workplace.