How a digital AI HR assistant simplifies my day as a hotel cleaner | elementsuite
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How a digital AI HR assistant simplifies my day as a hotel cleaner

How a digital AI HR assistant simplifies my day as a hotel cleaner

6:30am – Starting the day right

It’s Monday morning, and the alarm goes off at 6:30am. I lay there for a moment, contemplating whether I should snooze for a few more minutes or get up and start my day. But, then I remember that I need to make the kids packed lunch, feed us all breakfast, get them ready, drop them off at school, and then head to work. So, I groggily get out of bed and start my morning routine.

Before I wake up the kids, I shower, get dressed, and make myself a nice hot brew. It’s my way of preparing for the long day ahead. Being a hotel cleaner is not an easy job, but it pays the bills and provides for my family.

Whilst the kids are eating breakfast, I check the elementsuite mobile app (the hotel’s HR software) to review my rota for the week. Since the hotel has been using this app, my life has become so much easier.

Before elementsuite, juggling last-minute rota changes, trying to arrange childcare, or panicking when I wasn’t sure of my shift timings was a nightmare. Now, I always know when I’m working, and I had today’s shift locked in weeks ago, which meant I could sort the school drop-off and still make it to work with time to spare.

I quickly ask ELLA, elementsuite’s digital AI HR assistant, if there are any updates I need to know about the site before I start my shift.

“Any updates on Site A today?” It’s where I’ll be working, and I don’t want any surprises.

“Hi, Sarah. No updates on Site A today. You’re all set to go,”
ELLA replies.

8:30am – Clocking in and getting started

I drop the kids off at school and head to work. As soon as I arrive, I go to the staff room, open the elementsuite mobile app and clock in. What I love about the app’s clock-in feature is that its geo-fencing technology ensures that I am physically present on-site before I clock in. This helps prevent disputes with my hours worked.

My time is tracked in real-time, and I know that, at the end of the week, my manager will validate my hours through the app, and this data is automatically sent to payroll. It’s a relief to know there won’t be any payroll surprises when payday comes.

With everything sorted, I grab my cleaning cart and head to my first assignment. Room 405—a standard room, and thankfully, no special requests today.

10:30am – Mid-morning check-in

The morning has been smooth so far, but as I move from room to room, I start thinking about my shift next week. I need to swap it to attend my daughter’s school sports day. She is running in the 100-meter race, and I don’t want to miss it.

Prior to elementsuite, this was the definition of stress. If you wanted to swap shifts, you had to message everyone, try to get cover, or beg for a swap. I can’t think of anything more stressful than getting someone else to work when they’ve got the day off.

But that is all in the past – thank god. Instead of stressing, I pull up elementsuite’s digital HR assistant again.

“Who would be available to swap with me on Monday next week?” I ask ELLA.

“Hi, Sarah. Based on the schedule, it looks like Mary is available to swap with you.”

Mary is on shift today, as I had seen her in the staff room earlier this morning. I’ll ask her during lunch. She usually says yes to swapping shifts, so I am hoping for a positive response.

12:30pm – Lunchtime

Finally, a chance to sit down. I heat my leftover curry from last night and sit with Mary and a few other colleagues. We chat about our day and catch up on the activities from our weekend. Alan always has an eventful weekend, and his stories never fail to make us laugh. It’s nice to have some time for a proper lunch break and bond with my coworkers.

I then ask Mary if she could swap shifts with me next week. As expected, she agrees, and I quickly request a shift swap through the app, which will automatically notify my manager for approval—no more last-minute stress or begging is required.

I had started my lunch a little late, courtesy of room 501’s bathroom mishap, so I only really managed to catch everyone for a quick 15 minutes before they all headed back to their rounds.

As I finish the rest of my lunch break, what better way to kill some time than scrolling through the company newsfeed on the elementsuite mobile app?

Ha! There is a photo posted of my manager from last week’s staff party dressed up as a clown—I can’t help but laugh and give it a thumbs-up. Even though I couldn’t make it to the party, it’s nice to feel included and see what’s happening around the hotel. It’s these little moments that remind me that work is more than just cleaning rooms- it’s about being part of a team.

Then I remember, I need to book a week off over the Christmas holidays. I am hosting the family this year, and my sister is coming to stay from Australia. I hardly ever see her and want to make the most of her visit.

“What’s the policy for booking annual leave over the Christmas period?” I ask ELLA.

“Hi, Sarah. According to your contract, you are entitled to 4 weeks’ annual leave per year. The Christmas period is a popular time for annual leave requests, so we suggest booking at a minimum of six weeks in advance,” the digital AI HR assistant replies.

“How many annual leave days have I got left this year?” I ask.

“After your previous bookings, you have 7 days of annual leave remaining.”

I immediately book my annual leave request through the app, and within minutes, my manager approves it. No paperwork or back-and-forth emails needed.

1:30pm – Small hiccups, big solutions

I’m back on the floor now and suddenly realise I’ve misplaced my keycard. It’s a small thing, but it’s essential for accessing the areas I need to clean. I go back to the staff room – not there. I check my locker, in case I left it in there. Not there. The only thing I can think of is that it had dropped while I was throwing the rubbish away earlier.

I used to panic over things like this, not knowing how I would get a replacement. But now I just ask ELLA, “What should I do if I lose my keycard?”

Instantly, I’m guided through the process of reporting the lost card and getting a temporary replacement. So, as per elementsuite’s digital AI HR assistant’s advice, I head over to reception with my ID, and they issue me a new one – absolutely hassle-free.

I can keep to my cleaning schedule without any major interruptions, and I feel grateful for the technology that makes things so much easier, making the entire work experience more efficient and enjoyable.

3:30pm – Preparing for tomorrow

The afternoon is winding down, and before I do my final rounds, I remember that my performance review is tomorrow. I’ve been looking forward to it, but I want to make sure I’m fully prepared, as in my last review, my manager mentioned the possibility of a promotion.

I expressed my desire to progress up the ladder last year, and since then, my manager and HR have changed my career path so that I can see what steps I need to take to achieve my goal.

I open the elementsuite app and review my career path. It looks like I have completed all the necessary training and have received excellent performance ratings from my colleagues. I pull up the feedback from my last review to remind myself of what areas I had been asked to improve on and make a note to discuss my progress with my manager tomorrow.

To double-check that I haven’t missed anything, I ask ELLA, “Is there anything else I should do in preparation for my performance review tomorrow?”

“Based on your career map and previous feedback, it looks like you are well-prepared. Just focus on showcasing your strengths and discussing any areas you may need additional support with,” ELLA responds.

Feeling confident and ready for tomorrow, I finish my rounds before the end of my shift.

5:30pm – Clocking out and reflecting on the day

It’s 5:30pm, and besides room 501’s bathroom mishap, it has been a pretty smooth day. Even losing my keycard was no big deal, thanks to elementsuite and its digital AI HR assistant. As I clock out for the day, I can’t help but feel grateful for elementsuite and how it has transformed my work experience.

From shift-swapping to annual leave requests, performance reviews to career progression, everything is made more accessible and convenient with just a few taps on my phone or a quick question to ELLA. No more stress or confusion – just efficiency and ease.

As I walk out of the hotel, I feel satisfied with a productive day and excited for what tomorrow will bring. And through it all, I know that elementsuite will be there every step of the way, making my job a little less stressful and a lot more enjoyable.

It’s truly amazing how technology can enhance the workplace and make us feel more connected and supported. Thanks to elementsuite, my job has become more than just a cleaning task – it’s about being part of a team and feeling empowered in my career growth.

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