Why HR technology will future-proof your business
Amid ongoing change and uncertainty, the Human Resources (HR) teams have been heroic. One thing we know for sure – the only constant is change and this is likely to continue in the short term. As companies tackle the issues of health and wellness, resilience, remote working, staff engagement, talent acquisition and retention, and the legislative headache, HR and payroll teams are taking centre stage. With furlough schemes, redundancies, growing mental health issues and more remote working than ever, businesses want to future-proof HR.
Although the uncertainties born out of the COVID-19 crisis continue, with the prospect of successful vaccines and immunity, there is hope the pandemic is at a turning point – the site of some normality. Yet as leaders take action to re-energize their people and organisation, there is pressure to accelerate technology and digitisation, but more importantly, how to deliver an agile and future-proof HR function that supports the business, whatever happens!
Read 7 HR technology trends for 2025.
Digitization, agility and technology
For many HR leaders, the pandemic has confirmed what they already knew, the traditional ways of working don’t hold up under constant change and pressure. The need for more automation, superior connectivity, intuitive communications, and lower organisational costs is driving the future-proof agenda for businesses and HR.
Today, companies need HR to focus on the employee experience and drive re-skilling, cultural transformation, and an evolution to new models of work. Research shows, companies that make this evolution and shift, far outperform their peers, their business is more sustainable and agile. This is not at the expense of the ‘people’ aspect. Its how technology can work in harmony with your people.
The complexity experienced in 2020 is not going away. This model from McKinsey highlights the business imperatives bringing together the talent and the tech.

To future-proof your HR technology is easier than you think
The words sound calm and easy, but for many businesses recognising the gap between their current system and process issues and making a decision for a step change can take years. Many of us have seen how the restrictions imposed by the pandemic has forced us to think differently. But more than that, businesses are accelerating digital transformation, and rather than procrastinating for years are making decisions to support HR teams with technology that will future-proof your HR?
A recent Gartner survey:2021 HR Priorities Survey highlights that 46% of HR leaders say their priorities are focussed on organizational design and change management. That means you are not alone in looking forward to a system that is agile and will adapt nimbly, easily and cost effectively to the changing needs of your business today and into the future.
Leave behind manual workarounds and outdated systems
Many have seen their HR technology unable to adapt and straining to cope with a remote/or hard-to-reach workforce, changing government legislation (furlough, flex-furlough, holiday carry-over etc.) and pressures from the business. HR teams have been faced with:
- The realisation that their current systems cannot monitor, manage and report on new legislative initiatives;
- Excessive use of excel and risk of excel hell (as a temporary workaround)
- Siloed data requiring time and resources to give a true picture of current status for planning and predictions
- Legacy systems at capacity
- Localised workarounds that expose risk to data and security
- System limitations
- Layers of complexity from new absences types
The reality for many is that their legacy systems is antiquated and inflexible so could not be updated. The cost of investing in upgrading current system is prohibitive, and many are no longer adequately supported.
From challenge comes opportunity and the chance to future-proof your HR technology
It’s time to reframe the future of HR and embrace HR technology that will adapt and grow in whichever direction your business chooses. Agility and future-proof is what’s needed. We understand that HR technology is central to the evolution of HR, with logical automations that work to the beating heart of your unique organisation. No longer do you need to have a ‘piece of software’ dictate people processes to you. In fact quite the contrary, mobile-first technology that fits naturally into your organisation, that’s intuitive and removes the burden of manual entry.
Elementsuite’s approach, means you can have it all. More than just software, it’s a platform that works like a fabulous lego set creating scenes and structure that suit you. That suit your business need, and the unique complexities of your organisation.
What makes HR technology future-proof?
Asking for HR technology that is future-proof is a reality. The elementsuite platform is a new breed that gives you flexibility, enabling you to connect to your existing systems and processes. You don’t need to rip everything out and start again, start small and build up. The system is a delight because you don’t have to wait. Implementing future proof HR technology can take just weeks and months, not years. Don’t take our word for it, see how Fridays did.
Get HR technology to do what its good at – future-proof
Enabling your talent across the organisation to focus on where they add value and what’s most important for your business and your customers. Let the tech do the heavy lifting. Having technology at the heart of your strategy, is a win win
- Automation saves time and removes errors seen with manual keying
- Removal of duplication
- Self-service puts employees in control
- Time saved across all processes, hits bottom line improvements
- Easy to justify the business case and ROI at board level
- Improved staff engagement leading to higher retention and lower staff churn, reducing costs
- Smarter talent acquisition and onboarding
- Happy staff are more productive
- Real-time data, enables greater visibility and smarter, informed decisions
The beauty of HR tech to future-proof your human resources processes, directly contributes to business performance.
What are you waiting for? Harness the power of technology to improve the way people work.